Leukemia may be linked to Agent Orange

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APRIL 20, 2001

An Institute of Medicine report released on Thursday suggests children of Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange seem to have a higher chance of being afflicted with acute myelogenous leukemia.

Acute myelogenous leukemia is a type of leukemia that originates in bone-marrow cells. About 8 percent of children with cancer have the disease.

Previous reports have linked Agent Orange to diabetes.

Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi told the Associated Press yesterday's report was "very serious."

Summary of Report:
Veterans and Agent Orange Update 2000 (IOM April 19, 2001)

Get the Story:
Children's Leukemia Risk Tied to Agent Orange (The Washington Post 4/20)
Study finds possible link between Agent Orange, leukemia (AP 4/20)

Relevant Links:
Department of Veterans Affairs -

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Vets urged to get diabetes tests (11/3)
Diabetes in Vets linked to Agent Orange (10/12)