Editorial: ANWR drilling not solution

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In an editorial today, The Sioux Falls Argus Leader says the nation needs a sound energy policy but that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is not the way to go.

"We also understand the need to develop more home-grown petroleum resources to reduce our dependence on other parts of the world, but we don't believe the Republican push to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the solution," the paper writes.

But the paper says environmental concerns about oil and gas development in the refuge need to be addressed.

President Bush's energy policy calls for too much production and not enough conservation, the paper adds. The paper proposes developing alternative energy sources to help reduce dependence on oil, gas and coal.

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Senate should look to the future with energy policy (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 11/26)

Relevant Links:
Oil Issues in ANWR, US Fish and Wildlife -
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Pro-Development site -

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