US: No to Kyoto

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MARCH 28, 2001

The Washington Post today reports that the Bush administration has been trying to find a way to legally withdraw its signature from a global warming treaty the President does not like.

Known as the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty calls on industrial countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which are believed to contribute to global warming. The United States would have to reduce 1990 emissions levels by 7 percent by 2012.

But Bush opposes it because it doesn't require developing countries to make reductions. The Senate also voted 95-0 to oppose the treaty for the same reason.

Environmental Protection Agency Chief Christie Whitman yesterday said the administration won't implement the Kyoto Protocal due to Congress' objections. The Clinton administration signed the treaty.

Get the Story:
U.S. Aims to Pull Out of Warming Treaty (The Washington Post 3/28)

Relevant Links:
The Kyoto Protocol -
Perspectives on the Kyoto Protocol -

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