Although Jewell specifically mentioned "applications" in the press release, the enactment of H.R.2733 does not involve a single land-into-trust application. Instead, Congress directed the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service to transfer properties under their jurisdiction to the six tribes in Nevada. "Specifically, this bill will transfer more than 70,000 acres of Nevada public lands back into tribal control – empowering those tribal governments to control their land use destinies," Rep. Mark Amodei (R-Nevada), the sponsor of the the bill, noted in a press release after the measure cleared its final hurdle in the 114th Congress. Shortly before the White House Tribal Nations Conference on September 26, the BIA said it had placed 428,889 acres in trust. Around the same time, Larry Roberts, the principal deputy assistant secretary for Indian Affairs, told the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs that his agency has approved more than 2,000 applications since January 2009. Yet he also lamented the slow-moving nature of the federal bureaucracy. "Even the simplest application," he said, "right now, under our current process, it takes about a year to get through." But by taking credit for the 70,000-plus acres in the Nevada Native Nations Land Act, the Obama administration can easily claim to have surpassed the milestone. The announcement on Wednesday says 542,000 acres have been "restored" to tribes, a figure that was linked to "individual trust applications." "Secretary Jewell announced early on a goal of restoring 500,000 acres to Indian Country by the end of the Obama administration and we view this as a meaningful start to correcting the enormous loss of tribal homelands Indian Country has endured," Roberts told tribes at the National Congress of American Indians annual convention in Phoenix, Arizona, on Monday.
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