Oglala Lakota future generation keepers walk to promote healthy, drug-free life. Photo courtesy Natalie Hand
Rally cry to stop meth use on Pine Ridge Reservation
By Natalie Hand
Native Sun News Correspondent
www.nsweekly.com PINE RIDGE –– The light freezing rain didn’t deter the 30-plus walkers and riders from participating in the Mothers Against Meth Alliance (M.A.M.A.) Walk & Rally held last Friday, March 25 in Pine Ridge. “This event is to bring awareness to our reservation that meth is here and we will do whatever it takes to get rid of it and the dealers preying on our people,” stated M.A.M.A. founding director Julie Richards. Richards, an Oglala Lakota mother and grandmother, has dedicated her life to combating methamphetamine to protect her nation. And she’s gaining momentum. Her Facebook page, Mothers Against METH Alliance, with over a thousand followers, is a site that offers community awareness and action ideas to combat meth. “The Tribe is slowly beginning to see the value of our efforts. I would like to thank Pine Ridge District Representative Ella John Carlow, who assisted with travel expenses so that I could attend the Meth Summit this week on the Yankton Sioux Reservation. I traveled there to present our proposed resolution to combat the meth issue on our reservations. With the assistance of our tribal council representatives, I will present this resolution to the OST Law and Order Committee next week and hopefully to the full tribal council in April,” stated Richards. Richards, a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, is always willing to share her story of how meth has touched her life.

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