Oglala Sioux Tribe President John Yellow Bird Steele at the Ramah settlement announcement in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on September 17, 2015. Photo from Bureau of Indian Affairs / Twitter
A federal judge issued a final order and opinion on Wednesday, approving the $940 million Ramah Navajo contract support costs settlement. The settlement resolves shortfalls in self-determination contracts at the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Nearly 600 tribes and tribal organizations will be receiving a share of the funds in the coming months, attorney Michael Gross told the Associated Press. “The end result was there were no objections to the settlement and no objections to the fee request,” Gross told the AP. “This showed a unity among Indian tribes that is absolutely astounding.” Turtle Talk has posted the approval documents in the case, Ramah Navajo Chapter v. Jewell. Get the Story:
Judge approves nearly $1B settlement between US and tribes (AP 2/24) Relevant Documents:
DOI Press Release | Ramah Navajo Chapter Press Release | Oglala Sioux Tribe Press Release | Zuni Pueblo Press Release | Attorneys Press Release | Settlement Q&A
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