YouTube: The 2016 State of the Tribes Address to the South Dakota Legislature
Chairman Harold Frazier of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe delivered the first-ever State of the Tribes address to a joint session of the South Dakota Legislature on Thursday. Frazier discussed a number of issues facing the nine tribes in the state. He cited inadequate Indian Health Service care and a high rate of suicide among among youth as two of the biggest challenges. "Right now, two of our reservation hospitals are facing closure," Frazier said, referring to facilities that serve the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. The "substandard" level of care within the Great Plains region of the IHS will be the subject of a Senate Indian Affairs Committee hearing on January 27.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier delivers the State of the Tribes address on January 14, 2016. Photo from South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations / Facebook
Frazier also called for greater cooperation between the tribes and state and local governments. He said racism and negative attitudes were preventing true partnerships. By working together, Frazier said tribes and the state can improve infrastructure and create jobs in Indian Country. “So we ask you, the state, to be our partner in economic development,” Frazier told lawmakers. “Because we all live together in South Dakota. When we create new jobs, everyone benefits.”
Indianz.Com SoundCloud: South Dakota Legislature State of the Tribes Address
Native Americans represent nearly 9 percent of the population in South Dakota and form large majorities in certain counties. Despite their political presence, the Legislature never hosted a speech by a tribal leader until yesterday. Get the Story:
Chairman Frazier Calls For Respect, Highlights Issues In State Of Tribes (South Dakota Public Broadcasting 1/14)
Legislative Podcast: State Of Tribes Address In Pierre (South Dakota Public Broadcasting 1/14)
Inaugural "State of the Tribes" address held at the state Capitol (KEVN 1/14)
Chairman: S.D. tribes experiencing 'health crisis' (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 1/15) Related Stories:
South Dakota Legislature to hear first State of the Tribes address (1/8)
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