A view of the Key First Nation in Saskatchewan, where writer Carly McIntosh traced her ancestry to her great great grandfather. Photo from KFN
Your Building Blocks In Life
By Carly McIntosh When a path has been all laid out for you, you would assume you are meant to follow that path. Your future has simply been given to you, but what if you fail? I myself have been given a path to follow, but I see creeks ahead of me that I have to find a way to get past. Brain waves are clashing as I try and find a way to get across the creek all on my own. I was never one who got a perfect education, because of my health all my education escaped from the reach of my hands. Making myself one who never got her high school diploma, as well as no education in college or university. As I type letters forming into words, I don't know how I was given the path I am on. When you don't have any leadership to follow, it is a guessing game all the way. Slowly taking step by step on your own you're afraid of taking a misstep in the time coming. When you need help on the path you are following, at this stage of time there is no one to ask who will offer to help. At that exact moment when you need help your trail goes dark just until you figure out a plan that will help yourself to continue on your own. Having low self-esteem is the biggest issue in this type of situation, when you have no confidence in yourself, in time you will not be able to succeed in growth. Many people across this country do not believe in what they can achieve in life, while the people outside them see all the hidden gifts that they have been given. Having family and friends tell you what a beautiful job you have done makes it harder for all of us to believe. A good example is a painting done by a artist, others see the art that has been put into the masterpiece, while the artist can only see paint on a canvas. Taking the time to look at a piece of art you can feel many of the effects that were put into the piece such as love and as well as the pain. Every stoke of color that was directed onto the piece of canvas having it tell its own story. Many of us that have been shown our path in life but have to take many missteps to learn. If we do not make mistakes we do not know what is correct for our future. Once we have fought through all our battles, we have gained the trust of our path that was given to us. As we grow into becoming a leader, we are able to look back and see what we have accomplished in life. Looking into our past we see all the struggles that were placed in front of us, some struggles that we can't even let go of. Some of us in our early years have had to fight back on losing a loved one or even trying to get past the hurt of abuse. A measurement of our teachings can be harmful to our soul, but we learn to move on and treasure the moments we cherish. A moment you treasure in life is when your first born is gently placed in-between your arms. Being able to see for the first time tiny fingers and tiny toes mixing in with the beauty of their eyes. Once your new born is resting in your arms, you want to stay in that present moment without a end. Days coming we are able to see our children grow through life as well as our grandchildren. They as well our given their path in life to follow, but we are able to see the struggles in life that they have to go through just as we did. In nature a white daisy is set to take a rest for the winter, but in the early spring she raises to blossom yet again. Born and raised in Manitoba, Canada and now residing in Calgary, Alberta. McIntosh recently found her ancestry. Her goal is to pursue a future with writing and hopes to open some closed eyes and minds. Related Stories:
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