
Native Sun News: Rosebud Sioux Tribe hosts 139th annual wacipi

Grass Dancers during the Grand Entry. Photo by Richie Richards

139th Annual Rosebud Fair, Wacipi & Rodeo results
By Richie Richards
Native Sun News Staff Writer

ROSEBUD –– Rosebud Fair has had a long history of being a major stop on the pow wow trail. Generations of Lakota and many tribal members from across the country have a Rosebud Fair story.

The 139th Annual Rosebud Fair, Wacipi, and Rodeo had another year of successful events as hundreds gathered in the scorching heat and dust to support their families throughout the pow wow, events and games.

Beginning on Thursday, Aug. 27 with the crowning of the new Miss Rosebud, Miss Teen Rosebud, and Little Miss Teen Rosebud at the Rosebud Community Building. Jaylen Swalley was crowned Miss Rosebud, the new Miss Teen Rosebud is Maske Horse Looking, and Gabrielle Kenny is the new Little Miss Rosebud.

Visit the all new Native Sun News website to read the full story: 139th Annual Rosebud Fair, Wacipi & Rodeo results

(Contact Richie Richards at

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