A view of the U.S. Supreme Court. Photo by Indianz.Com
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee will host a roundtable tomorrow to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar. In February 2009, the court held that the Bureau of Indian Affairs can place land in trust only for those tribes that were "under federal jurisdiction" in 1934. Six years later, a legislative fix that would ensure certainty, prevent litigation and conserve federal resources has failed to clear Congress. Legislation has been introduced in the Senate (S.732) and the House (H.R.249) to enact a "clean" fix. Most tribes and tribal organizations don't want gaming or other issues inserted into the discussion but representatives of state and local governments will likely express differing views tomorrow. The roundtable takes place at 2:30pm in Room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. It is open to the public but it won't be webcast. The list of panelists follows:
Ms. Jaqueline PataCommittee Notice:
Executive Director of the National Congress of American Indians Mr. Brian Cladoosby
President of the National Congress of American Indians Mr. Brian Patterson
President of the United South and Eastern Tribes Mr. Randy Noka
Vice President of the United South and Eastern Tribes Mr. Mike Belarmino
Associate Legislative Director and Counsel for the National Association of Counties Ms. Deborah Cox
Legislative Director for the National Association of Counties Ms. Diane Dillon
Supervisor for Napa County in the California State Association of Counties Mr. David Rabbit
Supervisor for Sonoma County in the California State Association of Counties
Roundtable Discussion on "The Carcieri v. Salazar Supreme Court Decision and Exploring a Way Forward." (March 25, 2015)
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