A game from the 2013 Lakota Nation Invitational. Photo from Facebook
OST supports Pass Creek’s resolution to move LNI from Rapid City
By Native Sun News Staff ALLEN –– The resolution in part reads, “Whereas on January 24, 2015 a group of students ages 9 – 13 and 8 staff members were victims of abuse, racial discrimination and hate crime committed by a (drunk) White male during a Rush hockey game; however this incident of beer being poured on the children and racial slurs “Indians go back to the reservation” and other derogatory slurs toward the children, and Civic Center Staff were informed and Civic Center Staff did not call Rapid City police or Civic Center Security to protect the children, although a staff member of American Horse School did report several times and nothing was done.” With this resolution the Oglala Sioux Tribal Council gave its support to the Pass Creek District, where the community of Allen and American Horse School is located, to request the LNI Board move the Lakota Nation Invitational from the Rapid City Civic Center to another South Dakota community by seeking bids from other cities to host the annual event. The resolution concluded, “Be it further resolved that the failure to do so by the LNI Board will result in the shutdown of Tribal participation in the tournament and that means the Tribal programs will not have the authorization to go up to the tournament and that all the schools will be encouraged not to participate and the other Tribes will follow suit." The resolution was signed by Tribal Secretary Rhonda Two Eagle and Tribal Vice President Thomas Poor Bear. Copyright permission Native Sun News
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