Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) speaks to the National Congress of American Indians earlier this year. Photo from Rep. Don Young
Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) will address the Alaska Federation of Natives today amid controversy over his remarks about suicide in a state with the highest rate in the nation. Young may or may not discuss the issue, a spokesperson said. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who will appear before AFN tomorrow, is urging her fellow Republican to apologize for suggesting that a lack of family support and federal government "largesse" is to blame for youth suicide. "On a serious issue like suicide, that casts an enormous and dark shadow across our state, much more thought needs to be given before speaking up," Murkowski said on Facebook. "Words matter, and I hope Don can recognize the need to apologize to all Alaskans who have been impacted by the tragedy of suicide." According to the Alaska Department of Health and Human Services, the state's suicide rate was 21.8 per 100,000 people, nearly double the national rate of 11.5 per 100,000. Among Alaska Natives, the rate was much higher -- 35.1 per 100,000. Young is running for re-election. His opponent, Democrat Forrest Dunbar, has slammed the remarks but he isn't on AFN's agenda -- there is no candidate forum for the U.S. House race. Get the Story:
Murkowski asks for Young apology on suicide comments (The Alaska Dispatch News 10/24)
Student Who Stood Up To Don Young Says He Was Shocked By Homophobic Remark ( The Huffington Post 10/23) Related Stories:
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