A view of the land-into-trust site. Photo from Chumash EA
The Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians of California is moving closer to final approval of its land-into-trust application. The Bureau of Indian Affairs issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for the proposed acquisition of 1,400 acres. That means an environmental impact statement won't need to be prepared. “It comes as no surprise that the BIA reached this conclusion,” Chairman Vincent Armenta said in a press release. The FONSI comes after the completion of a final environmental assessment (EA) of the tribe's application. Together, the documents comprised more than 2,300 pages of analysis, comments and review. “Their decision was based on a very thorough examination of the Final EA and the comment letters received on the EA," Armenta said. "The tribe is confident that a Notice of Decision will be in favor of bringing the tribe’s land into trust.” Opponents are likely to mount legal challenges if the BIA places the land in trust. Related Stories:
IBIA dismisses challenge to Chumash Tribe land-into-trust bid (06/09)
Column: Chumash Tribe land-into-trust bill stirs up opposition (05/12)
Rep. Capps opposes Chumash Tribe's land-into-trust measure (03/14)
Opinion: Chumash Tribe too wealthy to follow land-into-trust (02/03)
IBIA dismisses challenges to Chumash Tribe land consolidation (11/05)
Opinion: Far-away lawmaker introduces bill for Chumash Tribe (10/31)
Bill introduced to place 1,400 acres in trust for Chumash Tribe (10/29)
Vincent Armenta: Chumash Tribe strives to be good neighbor (10/24)
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