The flag of the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
The Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota placed a police officer on leave after she repeatedly used a stun gun on an unresponsive man on the reservation. The incident occurred on Friday in the Manderson community. A video shot by onlookers indicates the officer used the gun more than 10 times on the man, who appeared to be intoxicated. "Concerns from the community have prompted officials to act quickly," the tribe said in press release on Monday. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI are investigating the incident. President Bryan Brewer has asked the BIA for more officers in light of the issue. Note: the video embedded and linked below contains language that may be obscene to some.
YouTube: sadistic cop keeps tazering unresponsive man
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Tribal Officer Under Investigation For Taser Use (AP 8/19)
Feds investigate Oglala Sioux officer's use of stun gun on man apparently passed-out on ground (AP 8/19)
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