Statues at the Makah Cultural and Research Center. Photo from Makah Nation
The Interior Department has extended $1.6 million in buy-back offers to nearly 600 landowners on the Makah Nation in Washington. The offers were made under the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations. Landowners have until May 30 to respond, according to a reminder sent out today by DOI. The $3.4 billion Cobell settlement authorized $1.9 billion for land consolidation. The program is entirely voluntary and any interests that are acquired are returned to tribal governments. Related Stories:
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Rep. Young open to an extension for Cobell buy-back program (4/4)
Audio from House subcommittee hearing on Cobell land buyback (4/3)
Larry Roberts: Answers about the Cobell land buy-back program (4/3)
DOI makes transfer of nearly $580K into Cobell scholarship fund (4/2)
Members of Oglala Sioux Tribe respond to Cobell buyback offers (3/28)
House subcommittee to hold hearing on land buy-back program (03/24)
DOI land buy-back boosts economy on Pine Ridge Reservation (03/19)
DOI announces $100M in land offers on Pine Ridge Reservation (3/18)
Deadline approaches for first Cobell land consolidation offers (1/27)
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