Unofficial results from Oglala Sioux Tribe vote.
The Oglala Sioux Tribe of South Dakota saw large turnout for a referendum to legalize alcohol on the reservation on Tuesday. But the results -- 1,645 for to 1,494 against -- are too close to call. The tally won't be confirmed until challenge votes are counted. “In my district ... we had an amazing turnout,” council member Craig Dillon told The Sioux Falls Argus Leader. “The people are getting the chance to make their voice heard.” The outcome was close in several communities, with no votes appearing to gain more favor in smaller parts of the Pine Ridge Reservation. But voters in larger communities voted heavily in favor of alcohol sales. The challenge votes will be counted today, the tribe's election commission said on Facebook. Get the Story:
Alcohol vote on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is too close to call due to challenged votes (AP 8/13)
Ogala Sioux to allow beer at Pine Ridge (The Sioux Falls Argus Leader 8/14)
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