Statcan reports increase in Aboriginal population in Canada
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The Aboriginal population in Canada is growing, according to a new report from Statistics Canada.
Data from the National Household Survey shows 1.4 million people claimed Aboriginal ancestry in 2011. That represented 4.8 percent of the population in Canada. up from 3.8 percent in 2006.
Of the Aboriginal population, 60.8 percent claimed Indian heritage. Another 32.3 percent claimed Metis ancestry while the remaining 4.2 percent reported Inuit ancestry.
The survey was voluntary so Statcan said the data may under-represent the Aboriginal population.
Get the Story:
Aboriginal populations surge in Canada, StatsCan says
(CP 5/8)
Get the Report: 2011 National Household Survey: Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit
(May 8, 2013)