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House passes measure to fund BIA and IHS at sequester levels

The House voted 233-160 on Monday to pass H.J.Res.80, a bill that funds the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service at sequester levels.

Every Republican except one -- Rep. John Duncan of Tennessee -- voted for the bill. However, another 18 Republicans -- including a handful with tribes in their districts -- did not vote at all.

“While House Republicans continue to offer solutions to end this government shut down, we will also continue to take steps to provide funding for important areas of the government," Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Washington), the chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, said in a press release. "This measure fulfills the Congress's unique responsibility to fund programs vital to Indian tribes and Alaska Natives."

Most Democrats -- 159 total -- voted against the measure. But 21 -- mainly those without tribes in their districts -- voted for it.

“This piecemeal approach to fund the government fails to meet our trust responsibility to our Native American brothers and sisters," Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-New Mexico) said in a press release. "Not one tribe or tribal organization supports this course of action because it would lock in sequestration cuts that are devastating tribal programs."

Republicans have been passing standalone bills to reopen certain federal agencies one by one. Democrats say the only solution is to end the shutdown of the federal government altogether.

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