Environment | Law

Nez Perce Tribe hopes litigation blocks second megaload truck

The Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho hopes a lawsuit in federal court will prevent a second megaload shipment from coming through the reservation.

Tribal leaders and members staged four nights of protests when the first truck went through the reservation last week. A second truck could be on the road by the end of the month so the tribe is suing the U.S. Forest Service for failing to take action.

The truck also went through the Clearwater National Forest, an area where the tribe retains hunting, gathering and other treaty-based rights. But the Omega Morgan shipping company never secured permission from the tribe or the federal government.

The U.S. Forest Service says it must conduct an environmental assessment of the shipment in consultation with the tribe, something that never happened the first time.

The truck went through Montana after leaving Idaho.

Get the Story:
Idaho Rivers United & Nez Perce Tribe joins forces against megaload transport (KLEW-TV 8/12)
With Second 'Megaload' Ahead, Nez Perce Seek Court Order (KPLU 8/12)

An Opinion:
GEORGE OCHENSKI: Montana governor makes wrong call on tar-sands megaloads (The Missoulian 8/12)

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Nez Perce Tribe makes second attempt to stop megaload truck (8/7)
Nez Perce Tribe attempts to block megaload from reservation (8/6)
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