
BIA warns employees to expect furloughs of up to 22 workdays

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is warning employees to expect furloughs of up to 22 workdays due to the sequestration of the federal budget.

BIA employees received a letter on Wednesday that said the furloughs will start May 3 and continue on an intermittent basis through September 21. Full-time employees face the possibility of going nearly three workweeks without pay, although the agency said it will try to limit the impact to 10 workdays, or 80 hours.

"We recognize the difficult personal financial implications of any furlough, no matter how large or small," James N. Burckman, the director of the BIA's Office of Human Capital Management, said in the letter.

The letter is another reminder of the major impact of sequestration in Indian Country. Tribal programs at the BIA and at other federal agencies are losing more than $200 million as a result of automatic cuts that went into effect on March 1.

With more than 8,300 employees at locations across the country, the BIA's furloughs will affect people on the ground in reservations in dozens of states. Details are still being worked out but the Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, for example, was told last month that workers at the local agency office could be furloughed one day a week, according to a post on the tribe's official Twitter account.

Employees at the Bureau of Indian Education won't be spared either. The sequester is already forcing reservation schools to plan for cutbacks in staff, services and the number of school days so furloughs will bring an additional punch.

BIA Employee Furlough Letter:
Employee Furlough Proposal (April 3, 2013)

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