
White House adviser reaffirms opposition to drilling in ANWR

The Obama administration won't support development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, a White House adviser said on Tuesday.

President Barack Obama has called his energy policy an "all of the above" strategy. But Heather Zichal, his adviser on energy and climate change, said that doesn't include ANWR.

“ANWR’s off the table,” Zichal said at a panel at the National Press Club, The Washington Post reported.

Development in ANWR would benefit Alaska Natives who live in the refuge. The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation owns subsurface rights and a village corporation owns surface rights on land that could be used for drilling.

Alaska Natives who live just outside the refuge oppose development for fear it will harm caribou herds.

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Administration won’t trade ANWR drilling for clean energy fund (The Washington Post 3/19)

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