Opinion: Interior restores balance to public drilling
"Oil and gas production is an important use of America’s public lands. But not everywhere and not without scrutiny. Public lands are not a gift bag for whatever the special interest flavor of the month happens to be.

Public lands are America’s stock of natural capital, which is in our care for long-term stewardship and public benefit. Their dividends come in many currencies — water and grass to support ranchlands, trails and antiquities for engaging history, wildlife and wilderness for chasing game and invigorating the heart. And yes, energy, minerals and wood fiber, too.

Americans depend on the Interior Department to keep it all in balance. In the first decade of the 21st century, things tipped out of balance. Oil and gas received a privileged spot at the head of the line, and was allowed to scoop up more than its fair share of the dividends.

Now, the Interior Department is restoring the balance. Secretary Ken Salazar has announced reforms in oil and gas leasing policies in order to better protect water, land and wildlife."

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Jim DiPeso: Salazar restores balance to drilling on public lands (The Billings Gazette 2/23)