The Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota is considering a deal to host a 30-megawatt power plant on its reservation. The tribe already operates a 750-kilowatt turbine that powers the Rosebud Casino. The Owl Feather War Bonnet wind farm could reach about 12,000 homes if the deal is worked out. But the project has seen some delays. It took the Bureau of Indian Affairs 18 months to review a contract the tribal council approved in 2006. In the meantime, a new slate of leaders questioned the arrangement, angering developer Distributed Generation Systems. "Doing business on a reservation is more difficult than doing business in China," the company's president told The New York Times. A revised deal was presented this week and tribal president Rodney Bordeaux anticipated it would be approved. Get the Story:
Indian Tribes See Profit in Harnessing the Wind for Power (The New York Times 10/10)