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Sen. Campbell won't seek re-election this year

The following is the text of a statement by Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colorado) on his decision not to seek re-election this year. March 3, 2004.

After a great deal of soul searching and reflection I have decided not to seek re-election to the United States Senate.

I am honored to have represented the people of Colorado for the past 22 years and I know that there is no greater job than to serve my fellow citizens in the U.S. Senate, but I feel the time has come to pass that duty on to another and return to my ranch with my family that I love.

After spending another night in the hospital, I realize that deteriorating health may hamper my ability to serve. Doctors have assured me that after treatment for prostate cancer, the recovery rate is 98%. But, I believe Coloradans deserve a 100% guarantee of service.

I have been blessed with a capable staff and the support of thousands of Coloradans. Together we have achieved great things for Colorado and our nation. My time spent in Washington D.C. has not only been rewarding but it has been tiresome as well. I know the people of Colorado will respect my decision and support whoever the next Republican candidate may be.

I look forward to campaigning for President Bush and the GOP ticket through out the state. Once again, Linda and I send our sincere thanks to the people of Colorado and our friends in Washington.

To my family, I love you as only a man who grew up without a family can.

Get the Story:
Colorado Republican Will Not Seek 3rd Senate Term (The New York Times 3/3)
Campbell won't seek re-election (The Denver Post 3/3)
Reaction to Campbell's decision (The Denver Post 3/3)
Campbell won't run again (AP 3/3)