The Poarch Band of Creek Indians owns and operates the Wind Creek Atmore in Atmore, Alabama. Photo from Facebook
It looks like Class III gaming is once again out of reach for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians in Alabama. A bill to put a lottery on the November ballot died on Friday after not enough lawmakers were around for a final vote, The Montgomery Advertiser reported. Questions about the tribe's gaming rights contributed to the effort's demise, according to the paper. “The Native Americans might come up and challenge us on this bill, and we will be in court again,” one Democratic lawmaker said during debate on Thursday, the paper reported. The fears even led Gov. Robert Bentley (R) to respond to a story on Alabama Political Reporter that said he was ready to enter into talks with the tribe. The rumor is "blatantly false," he said in a letter to lawmakers, AL.Com reported. The tribe has no made no secret its desire to negotiate a deal with the state but every governor has refused to come to the table. In other states, lotteries have led to Class III gaming compacts. Read More on the Story:
Alabama lottery bill stumbles before finish line (The Montgomery Advertiser 8/26)
Missing senators threaten lottery bill's passage (The Montgomery Advertiser 8/26)
No gambling deal with Poarch Creek Indians, Gov. Robert Bentley says ahead of lottery vote (AL.Com 8/25)
House debate on Alabama lottery expected to last hours (The Montgomery Advertiser 8/25)
High drama in Alabama House before lottery debate (The Montgomery Advertiser 8/25)
Lottery bill heads for critical vote (AP 8/25)
Insiders: Bentley to Sign Compact with PCI (Alabama Political Reporter 8/23) An Opinion:
Josh Moon: Just give Alabama back to the Poarch Creeks (The Montgomery Advertiser 8/25)
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