Campo Band to add hotel to remote casino

The Campo Band of Kumeyaay Indians is planning a 150-room hotel at its remote casino in southern California.

The tribe opened the Golden Acorn Casino a few years ago. The casino manager says patrons keep asking about a hotel.

With 750 slot machines, Golden Acorn is currently the smallest of the eight casinos in San Diego County. The larger facilities are located closer to San Diego. Four of them have hotels, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Despite the remote location, the Campo Band will be seeing some competition. The La Posta Band of Kumeyaay Indians is building a casino a mile away that will have 349 machines. That facility is scheduled to open in December.

The Campo Band will release an environmental impact statement for the project. Local residents say there is a need for a hotel in the area.

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Campo casino planning a hotel (The San Diego Union-Tribune 7/28)
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