tag: pope francis

Indigenous Peoples Coalition
The Indigenous Peoples Coalition celebrated the release of activist Leonard Peltier from federal prison.
Pope Francis
The Catholic Church formally repudiated a religious doctrine that was used to justify the theft of lands from indigenous peoples in North America.
The Road to Healing
Few dispute that Indian boarding schools led to more than a century of abuse, systematically seizing Indigenous land, separating children from their families, destroying communities and working to erase tribal languages, religions, cultures and economies.
Dawn Walker
Dawn Walker has been accused of faking her disappearance and that of her child in a case that attracted widespread attention in Canada.
Pope Francis
No Native entity knows the answers and to truly heal we need our children returned to our homes.
Pope Francis
The pictures of Pope Francis wearing a headdress spurred controversy across the globe — and across social media.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, delivers remarks at Maskwacis Park in Alberta, Canada.
Pope Francis
Religious communities, bishops and popes were variously complicit in a system that dispossessed Indigenous peoples and cruelly oppressed their children at Native residential schools.
Woodland Cultural Centre / Mohawk Institute Residential School
Nothing will be done for us without us. No one may speak on our behalf without our express approval.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis is set to visit with First Nations leaders again, this time on their own homelands.
Morgan Behn-Tsakoza
On an intuitive and experiential level, the Catholic Church as an institution was an agent of harm. But Pope Francis has avoided saying so.
Native America Calling NAC
The apology from Pope Francis sought forgiveness for the role the Catholic Church played in atrocities at Native residential schools.
Pope Francis
Tens of thousands of Native children suffered abuse at residential schools run by the Catholic Church, all with the compliance of the Canadian government.
Every Child Matters
Pope Francis is scheduled to meet with an Indigenous delegation when he visits Canada in December.