tag: dot

U.S. Capitol
Members of the U.S. Senate are busy with confirmation hearings for a number of president-elect Donald Trump’s nominees. Here’s the schedule.
Janet Alkire
Tribes, the state and federal government must continue to work together for the benefit of their people, the leader of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe said.
Doug Burgum
Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate are vowing to move quickly on president-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks.
Navajo Nation
The shipment of uranium ore from the new Pinyon Plain Mine near the Grand Canyon has outraged leaders of the Navajo Nation.
Arlando Teller
Arlando Teller of the Department of Transportation addresses the National Congress of American Indians on February 14, 2024.
MSU Montana State University
The Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University will provide transportation outreach and technical assistance to 29 tribes across five states.
Cherokee Nation
The Cherokee Nation has created a blueprint for how all of Indian Country can pursue self-governance agreements.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds an oversight hearing on “Setting New Foundations: Implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for Native Communities.”
Lakota Student
The U.S. Departments of the Interior, Education and Health and Human Services launched a new initiative to preserve, protect, and promote the rights and freedom of Native Americans to use, practice, and develop Native languages.
Joe Biden
From the missing and murdered crisis to sacred sites, the Biden administration is touting its Indian Country agenda as it hosts the White House Tribal Nations Summit.
With Democratic president-elect Joe Biden about to take office, some of his Cabinet nominees are getting their confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill.