tag: crow

Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 2908, S. 3263, S. 4000 & S. 4442
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a legislative hearing on June 12, 2024.
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 2908, S. 3263, S. 4000 & S. 4442
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a legislative hearing on June 12, 2024.
Katarina Stewart
Native children make up more than a third of the foster care caseload in Montana, despite representing less than 10 percent of the state’s child population.
MSU Round Dance
Montana State University will host an Indigenous storytelling event focused on the role horse painting has historically played for tribes.
Crazy Mountains
The high-profile proposal involving more than 15 square miles and seven landowners drew more than 1,000 public comments.
"The Soil You See by Wendy Red Star"
An artist from the Crow Tribe is making history with a groundbreaking exhibition in the nation’s capital.
Super Bowl Business
Inspired by vibrant orange-and-purple sunsets and local tribes, Native artists and brands were able to put their work on display at an NFL pop-up shop.
Crazy Mountains
A land swap long in development within the Custer Gallatin National Forest is finally open to public comment.
Elizabeth Hoover
A scholar who has made a name for herself in Native food sovereignty has vowed to stop claiming to be of “Mohawk/Mi’kmaq descent” despite doing so for decades.
Bethany Yellowtail
It’s been a rough couple of months for one of Indian Country’s most prominent fashion designers.
Bethany Yellowtail
One of Indian Country’s most well-known fashion designers is under fire after unveiling a new collection that bears striking similarities to another Native artist’s work.
StrongHearts Native Helpline
A prominent photographer who built a sizable following online with posts featuring Native women and girls is stepping out of the spotlight after survivors came forward with accounts of trauma.
Maleeya Knows His Gun
Native students are being honored for academic excellence, community service and leadership at Montana State University.
Cary Morin
Cary Morin’s music is often characterized as roots-infused Native Americana with hints of bluegrass, folk, blues, and rock.
Greg Gianforte
“We serve a lot of families on the Crow Reservation, and last year they were hit harder than anybody,” said a funeral home owner.
Indian Relay Race
A highlight of the annual Crow Native Days were the Indian relay races, a sport gaining immense popularity, thrilling audiences across the nation.
Montana Missing Indigenous Persons Task Force
In Montana, Native people make up roughly 26 percent of missing persons cases yet account for less than 7 percent of the state’s population.
Tribes that face threats to their political integrity, economic security, health and welfare may finally be able to exercise authority over non-Indians.
U.S. Supreme Court
A sovereignty dispute that originated on the Crow Reservation in Montana has finally been addressed by the highest court in the land.
Tribal police have the authority to detain non-Indians traveling through reservations if the officer has a reasonable belief that the suspect violated state or federal law, the Supreme Court ruled.
Tribal governments have the power to search and temporarily detain non-Indians suspected of breaking federal or state laws within reservations, the nation’s highest court has ruled.
The nation’s highest court has unanimously sided with tribal sovereignty in one of two Indian law cases on the docket.
The nation’s highest court has taken up its first Indian law case of the term, with ensuring public safety on reservations at the forefront.
Crow Reservation, Montana

The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in U.S. v Cooley, No. 19-1414, on March 23, 2021.

“Are you an Indian, sir?” The answer to the question is at the heart of a closely-watched case before the nation’s highest court.
Tribal nations were concerned about “bad men” when they negotiated treaties. Will the U.S. Supreme Court uphold those promises?
For Isabella Aiukli Cornell, prom was a way to bring attention to the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.
The COVID pandemic has been really tough on many small businesses across the country, bringing many to their knees.
COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise, with tribal people on reservations in Montana and Wyoming seemingly among the hardest hit.
For the second time in as many years, the U.S. Supreme Court will be taking up a case that impacts the treaty rights of the Crow Tribe.
Voters of the Crow Tribe overwhelmingly chose Frank White Clay as their new president, ousting the incumbent from office.
With fewer and fewer fluent speakers of the Crow language, advocates for revitalizing it hope a free online dictionary can aid people already working to bolster their skills and make learning the language more accessible.
Voter turnout in Indian Country has steadily increased in Montana. Will it make a difference in one of the most closely watched races in the nation?
Steve Bullock promised to respect tribal sovereignty and support much-needed federal programs that benefit tribal citizens if elected to the U.S. Senate.
On Indigenous Peoples Day, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Steve Bullock will hold a virtual town hall with tribal leaders.
Amid growing uncertainty due to COVID-19, the U.S. Supreme Court opened its latest term as Republicans remain intent on confirming a conservative judge with virtually no experience in Indian law to the nation’s highest judicial body.
The Real Birds from the Crow Nation are a formidable force across Indian Country.