Latest Headlines
The Indian Health Service is planning to distribute over 68,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to Indian Country.

The Cherokee word “gadugi” describes one of our most important Cherokee values. It means working together to improve our tribal community.

Native America Calling NAC
The landscape is changing rapidly for tribes aiming to capitalize on the growing legal cannabis market.

The COVID-19 vaccine could arrive as soon as next week, with initial doses prioritized for health care workers and assisted living facilities.

Enthusiasm across Arizona was higher this election than in the 2016 presidential contest, and final results show the contrast was even more stark in Indian Country.

“The Vore Buffalo Jump is a part of our history which should be told and shared with the world,” said Dr. Richard Littlebear, president of the Chief Dull Knife Memorial College.

Lakota leaders continue to see an increase of COVID-19 cases in their territory.

Native America Calling NAC
Tribes and the Indian Health Service are making plans to distributed the COVID-19 vaccine after it becomes available.

The crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives is not new.

Is this the same-ole same-ole by the federal government that the U. S. Constitution and the law doesn’t matter if it only affects American Indians?

Richard Nixon Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo wholeheartedly appreciates the support, leadership, the prayers, contributions, and sacrifices that brought Blue Lake back to our people.

For the fifth year, a Navajo Nation program is helping reservation residents stay warm through by distributing coal for free.

The pitiful behavior of our South Dakota representatives (all Republicans) would be a childish joke if it weren’t so pitifully ignorant.

The Trump administration has approved a controversial mining operation on Sioux Nation treaty territory in South Dakota.

Sen. Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) discusses Indian issues as he delivers his final speech on the U.S. Senate floor on December 8, 2020.

Native America Calling NAC
The challenge of remote college classes, combined with the high cost of post-secondary education, is taking a toll amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

MIGIZI continues to keep Native youth engaged amid COVID-19 as the organization prepares for some big moves.

Native America Calling NAC
Tribes have until the end of this month to spend their share of the $8 billion in federal emergency coronavirus funds.

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will focus on tribal self-governance and cultural sovereignty as the 116th Congress winds down.

Volunteers with Chizh for Cheii are preparing to deliver firewood to elders on the Navajo Nation, where nearly 90 percent of homes rely on wood for heat.

Lakota people are falling through the cracks due to lack of understanding on all sides.

The Good Medicine Festival features playwrights and performances by Native and Indigenous artists from all over the world.

Voters of the Colorado River Indian Tribes have elected Amelia Flores as chairwoman and five members to the governing council.

“The tribe’s commitment to make a positive impact on our local community has never been stronger as we all persevere through the pandemic,” said Bob Peters, Chairman of the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians.

“It breaks my heart every day to watch it happen and watch TC Energy dig up the earth and go under our rivers and waterways,” said Lakota activist TaSina Sapa Win.

NAFOA is here to keep you informed about the latest news and resources.

bear program
The Grinch came early this year, ransacking a popular youth program on the Pine Ridge Reservation and leaving some in the tribal community wondering who could be so heartless.

Tim Giago
As publisher of a Native newspaper, we reach into a community underserved or never served by the mainstream media.

Native America Calling NAC
Native people have a higher average number of household members than the general population, ramping up the chances for COVID-19 infection in the home.

With a shortage of beds, oxygen and staff, the Navajo Nation can no longer depend on regional aid and is sending critical patients farther afield for health care.

E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals hears arguments in Shawnee Tribe v. Steven Mnuchin, a dispute over COVID-19 relief funds.

Native America Calling NAC
Wearing face masks is proven to be effective for slowing the spread of the coronavirus but resistance remains.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, get an education, get health care, buy groceries, apply for assistance, search for jobs and more.

Indigenous Fashion Week Toronto once again took the world by storm, only virtually this time around.

Flathead Reservation
In the heat of one of the worst COVID-19 outbreaks in Montana, one county is being accused of putting politics before public health.

Mark Kelly
Democrat Mark Kelly can drop “Senator-elect” from his title after being sworn in as the new U.S. Senator from Arizona.

Native America Calling NAC
Native America Calling will check in with tribal officials about how delisting gray wolves affects their wildlife management plans.

The Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians has signed a new Class III gaming compact with the state of California.

Kyle Edwards, managing editor of Native News Online, will spend the coming year focusing on the impacts of COVID-19 in Native communities.

Fresh shell eggs are now available to 28 more tribes throughout the country, thanks to a fresh produce program administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support.