Latest Headlines
The U.S. Navy formally apologized to the Village of Kake for a devastating bombardment of the Tlingit community more than 150 years ago.
How much do the proposed USDA Dietary Guidelines reflect what industries want to promote as opposed to what Native people consider nutritious?
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a legislative hearing on September 25, 2024.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a legislative hearing on September 25, 2024.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a business meeting on September 25, 2024.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a business meeting on September 25, 2024.
In “Rez Ball,” a Native director and cast tell the story of trauma and healing within a reservation basketball team.
Nearly every American has forever chemicals in their body. But information specific to Native people is limited.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is taking testimony on legislation affecting tribal water rights and natural resources.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is taking up three bills at a business meeting.
Crow people were still fuming over a Republican candidate deriding them as being “drunk at 8 a.m.” when a campaign ad began circulating about “white farmers.”
Survivors of nuclear testing and uranium mines are ramping up pressure on Congress to reauthorize a federal compensation program that expired in June.
Playing college athletics takes more than just a love of sports. To be successful at that level takes years of dedication, focus, and a good deal of talent.
“As you know, they’ll take recordings from years ago, chop them up and make them sound, you know, evil,” Republican candidate Tim Sheehy said on Fox News.
The shipment of uranium ore from the new Pinyon Plain Mine near the Grand Canyon has outraged leaders of the Navajo Nation.
Welcome to San Diego, California, for NAFOA’s Fall 2024 Conference!
Quite simply, we have proven that when Cherokees operate our own health care system, we do it better.
There is a flip side to the narrative about the cultural richness that colonization supposedly brought to California.
“Native people are going to fight back,” said Nick Tilsen, founder of NDN Collective.
Tribes are major employers and big economic contributors to their communities.
A new wildfire appears at least once a week during the most active season, with many leaving lasting implications for tribes and residents.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs considers the nomination of Patrice H. Kunesh to be Chair of the National Indian Gaming Commission.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs considers the nomination of Patrice H. Kunesh to be Chair of the National Indian Gaming Commission.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a business meeting on September 18, 2024.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts a business meeting on September 18, 2024.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is hosting a business meeting to consider four bills of interest.
Tribes are urging President Joe Biden to designate three new national monuments in California in order to protect natural and cultural treasures.
The federal agency that oversees the $41.9 billion tribal casino industry could get a new leader for the first time since the Donald Trump era.
Rebecca Nagle reads from her debut book, “By the Fire We Carry: The Generations-Long Fight for Justice on Native Land,” on September 16, 2024.
Inadequate infrastructure is only one of the problems contributing to the fact that American Indians and Alaska Natives lag behind everyone else when it comes to broadband access.
Tribes in Virginia continue to build relationships with key partners with a conference taking place on their homelands.
See you in San Diego, California, for the 2024 Fall Finance and Tribal Economies Conference!
If we stand still on housing, we will fall behind.
The Florida Everglades are on “life support,” an assessment of Miccosukee environmental advocate Betty Osceola.
Indian Country is already suffering from a food shortage crisis and problems will only get worse under a government shutdown, lawmakers were told at a crowded hearing on Capitol Hill.
A Washington state man will be sentenced soon for his part in killing some 3,600 eagles and other protected birds and selling their feathers and other parts on the black market.
NAFOA, the oldest and largest finance organization in Indian Country, finally has a new executive director.
The Violence Against Women Act has reached a milestone.
We, the faculty of Haskell Indian Nations University, wish to address recent reports concerning our university following the congressional hearing held in July 2024.
First-time Republican candidate Tim Sheehy holds an 8-point advantage over Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in an AARP poll.
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