House vote expected on Lumbee recognition bill

The U.S. House is expected to vote Thursday on a bill to recognize the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, The Fayetteville Observer reports.

The Lumbees were identified as "Indians" by a termination-era law but denied the benefits associated with federal status. H.R.65 would repeal that law.

The Lumbees face opposition from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the only federally recognized tribe in the state, and the Cherokees of Oklahoma.

Get the Story:
House vote on Lumbee bill expected Thursday (The Fayetteville Observer 6/6)

Committee Hearing:
Full Committee Legislative Hearing: H.R. 1294 and H.R. 65 (April 18, 2007

Recognition Bill:
Lumbee Recognition Act (H.R.65)

Relevant Links:
Official Lumbee Tribe website -

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