tag: wmat

Leaving Indian Children Behind: Reviewing the State of BIE Schools
The House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations holds a hearing on Bureau of Indian Education schools.
White Mountain Apache Tribe
Arizona was one of the last states to allow voting rights for Native people.
Deb Haaland and Michael Regan
The Biden administration is on the road as the November presidential election quickly approaches, touting historic levels of funding going to Indian Country.
Deb Haaland
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland declared that Arizona’s state fish, the Apache trout, will be removed from the endangered species list.
Rez Dog
As global temperatures rise and events like wildfires become more extreme, the stakes are rising for Native communities and their animals.
Theodore Roosevelt School
Teachers have been in short supply across Arizona. Nowhere is that felt more than at schools run by tribes and the federal government.
House Committee on Appropriations American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 2, Morning Session
The House Committee on Appropriations heard from dozens of Indian Country leaders who testified about their funding needs.
Fort Apache Tribe Basketball
Basketball is revered on all of Arizona’s reservations, and one team from the White Mountain Apache Tribe benefits from that enthusiasm.
Blackfeet Indian Memorial
Native people die by suicide at higher rates than any other racial or ethnic group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
'Every Child Matters' at U.S. Supreme Court
With one negative ruling on the books and a potentially devastating one on the way, tribal leaders continue to look to the Biden administration to address the impacts of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Lisa Murkowski and Brian Schatz
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is getting back to work after a lengthy absence.
Sacheen Littlefeather / Marie Louise Cruz
“Pretendianism” – the act of falsely claiming American Indian heritage – does real harm.
Water Tribes
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs took testimony from tribal leaders whose communities are in dire need of infrastructure and revenue.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 1397, S. 3168, S. 3308, S. 3443, S. 3773 & S. 3789
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a legislative hearing on six bills on March 23, 2022.
Leticia and Vicente Garcia
In Arizona, Native American women are four times more likely to die during birth than white women – the highest rate across the state.
A combination of intense contact-tracing, surveillance of high-risk individuals and vaccinations has helped the White Mountain Apache Tribe combat COVID-19.
Tribal leaders participate in a panel at the National Tribal Health Conference on October 14, 2020.
Hospitals are combating health disparities among Native Americans by teaching new mothers strong breastfeeding practices.