tag: salmon

United American Indian Involvement, Inc.
Wildfires have killed at least 24 people and destroyed thousands of homes in southern California. Tribes and urban Indian organizations are stepping up.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
What’s on The Menu? Navajo origin stories, wild rice, salmon runs and more!
Farley Eaglespeaker
The U.S. government recently recognized the harm caused by the dams and has promised to work to restore salmon runs but tribal members doubt much will change.
Puyallup River
Two recent events are major wins for tribes fighting to restore natural salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest.
Northwest Treaty Tribes
It would be hard to find a legal victory any more important than the ruling named after federal judge George Hugo Boldt in 1974.
Kuskokwim River
Since time immemorial, the Kuskokwim River in Alaska has fed Native families. But years of failed salmon runs are threatening their lives and livelihoods.
'Bring the Salmon Home. Remove the Klamath Dams'
The largest dam removal project in U.S. history is taking place in the Klamath River basin. Tribes were instrumental in making it happen.
Klamath River Dams
After decades of fighting, tribes in northern California can celebrate the pending removal of four dams on the Klamath River.
Salmon at Willamette Falls
Join Native America Calling for updates on trouble spots for salmon in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
Don Young
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to approve legislation to honor the legacy of the late Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska), who was known as a champion of Native issues.
Lummi Nation
“The appearance of the European green crab is a serious threat to our treaty fishing rights,” said Chairman Willie Jones Jr.
Alaskan Nets
The documentary film Alaskan Nets follows the quest by a pair of athletes from Alaska’s only reservation.
Vision Maker Media
Native America Calling will hear from filmmakers and representatives from Vision Maker Media about the projects and the power of Native documentary film.
Ashley Bowers
The Klamath River flows through two states and the lands of several tribal nations. There’s not enough water to meet everyone’s needs.
Red Road to DC
After 20,000 miles and 115 stops across the country, a group of Native carvers and elders have finally arrived in the nation’s capital, bringing much-needed attention to sacred sites and tribal rights.