tag: s.3126

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Business Meeting to consider S. 3123, S. 3126, S. 3273, H.R. 1975 & H.R. 4881
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a business meeting to consider five tribal homelands bills.
Business Meeting to consider S. 2264 & Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 3123, S. 3126, S. 3273 & S. 3381
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a business meeting and legislative hearing on February 16, 2022.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs took testimony on bills addressing Indian health and tribal lands.
Three tribal leaders and one federal official will testify at a hearing of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.
Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is taking testimony on bills address Indian health, diabetes, tribal broadband and tribal lands.