tag: mining

Elk River Valley in British Columbia
Researchers in the United States have concluded that a large coal-mining operation in British Columbia is sending pollution more than 350 miles downstream into rivers used by tribes.
Uranium on Navajo Nation
How are tribes leveraging sovereignty to halt the mining and transport of uranium across their lands?
Tribal leaders are condemning the primary producer of uranium for transporting hazardous materials through their territories without their consent and without advance notice.
Talkeetna Mountain
Tribes and organizations are urging federal officials to continue protections for 28 million acres in Alaska.
Thacker Pass
Tribal communities are on the frontlines of a push to create new, domestic sources for lithium.
Deb Haaland
A Republican lawmaker who was unable to derail Deb Haaland’s historic rise to Secretary of the Interior had somewhat of a meltdown as he came face-to-face with the Native woman trailblazer.
Kuskokwim River
A proposed gold mine in southwest Alaska has been promising riches for investors and Alaska Native workers alike.
Bruce Westerman
A key Congressional committee is finally getting to work, with Republicans pursuing a new agenda for Indian Country and beyond.
Prescott National Forest
About 100,000 mines have been abandoned in Arizona, according to the state inspector, leaving behind huge amounts of toxic waste.
Bryan Newland and Fawn Sharp
Tribal leaders urged lawmakers to pass a package of bills that would protect cultural and sacred sites on public lands.
Oak Flat
The fight to protect a sacred site from development is once again back in court as defenders of Oak Flat try to stop a huge copper mine on Apache territory.
Protect Oak Flat
A long-running political, legal and environmental dispute over a copper mine on sacred Apache land in Arizona shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
Uranium on Navajo Nation
Remnants of more than 500 uranium mines on the Navajo Nation have been a threat to residents for decades.
Pinyon Plain Mine formerly known as Canyon Mine
A federal appeals court ruled that a uranium mine near the Grand Canyon can operate, even though it sits on land declared off-limits to new mining.
Oak Flat
Oak Flat, a sacred Apache place in Arizona, faces desecration from a large copper mine.
Zortman-Landusky Mine
The Fort Belknap Indian Community, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes and the Ksanka Elders Advisory Committee are fighting two silver and copper mines.
Sunrise Ceremony at Oak Flat
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals hears arguments in Apache Stronghold v. United States, a sacred sites case, on October 22, 2021.
Zortman-Landusky Mine
The Fort Belknap Indian Community and conservation groups continue to oppose new mining claims near the reservation in Montana.
The House Committee on Natural Resource is meeting to consider billions of dollars of investments in Indian Country.
Zortman-Landusky Mine
An abandoned gold mine continues to cause heartaches for the Fort Belknap Indian Community.
Toxic sludge from the Gold King Mine created an environmental disaster for hundreds of miles downstream, including parts of the Navajo Nation.
Native America Calling NAC
Native America Calling will hear the status of controversial mining projects being opposed by tribal nations.
Save Oak Flat
The Sikh Coalition and the San Carlos Apache Tribe would not appear to have much in common at first glance, but they have found a shared interest in protecting sacred land.
Oak Flat
“These are things that are absolutely essential to our identity and to our spiritual health,” National Congress of American Indians President Fawn Sharp said in seeking permanent protections for Oak Flat.
house committee on natural resources
The House Committee on Natural Resources is holding a markup on two bills of interest in Indian Country.
The House Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States takes testimony on H.R.1884, the Save Oak Flat Act.
The House Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States will take testimony on the Save Oak Flat Act on April 13, 2021.
Zortman-Landusky mine complex
“To this day, the Gros Ventre and Assiniboine Tribes continue to experience devastating health and environmental consequences from past mining,” said Fort Belknap Indian Community President Andrew Werk, Jr.
Oak Flat would be “permanently damaged” by a controversial copper mine, according to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
For more than six years, the San Carlos Apache Tribe and allies have been holding camps, rallies, relay runs and other demonstrations to resist mining on sacred land at Oak Flat.
Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Arizona) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) have once again introduced legislation to permanently protect a sacred Apache site from development.
Copper Court
The Biden administration put the brakes on massive copper mine at a sacred Apache site, reversing course after the project was on the verge of final approval.
Just days after asking a federal judge to stop a huge copper mine on sacred territory, the San Carlos Apache Tribe is celebrating the Biden administration’s decision to pull back the controversial development.
Copper Court
“This is what this fight for Oak Flat is revealing,” said Wendsler Nosie Sr. of the Apache Stronghold. “Why can’t all Americans know they’ve met an angel at a holy place?”
A Canadian company has been dealt a setback in efforts to develop an area known as Paradise Valley.
Activists worry that the Trump administration is fast-tracking federal approval for a large copper mine on sacred Apache territory in Arizona.