tag: mescalero apache

Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S.4370 & S.4505
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs takes testimony on tribal forestry management and tribal water rights at a hearing on July 25, 2024.
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S.4370 & S.4505
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs takes testimony on tribal forestry management and tribal water rights at a hearing on July 25, 2024.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is taking testimony on tribal forestry management and tribal water rights.
Gabe Vasquez
The Native contingent in the U.S. House of Representatives will be down by one come the next session of the U.S. Congress.
Albuquerque Indian School
Leaders in the largest city in New Mexico are convening a series of “community conversations” to address the harmful legacy of the Indian boarding school era.
For years, candidate Marie Crabb has claimed to be Mescalero Apache. Those claims cannot be verified.
A Republican county official who participated in the violence on the U.S. Capitol is being labeled a “racist” by federal prosecutors for his attacks on Native and Black people.