tag: jason freihage

Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 2783, S. 3406, S. 3857 & S. 4365
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a legislative hearing on July 10, 2024.
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 2783, S. 3406, S. 3857 & S. 4365
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a legislative hearing on July 10, 2024.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is getting back to work with a hearing on four bills.
Damon Clarke
Getting access to Colorado River water is “the only feasible solution” for the Hualapai Tribe, Chairman Damon Clarke said.
Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on S. 4104, S. 4439 & H.R. 5221
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs holds a legislative hearing on three bills on July 20, 2022.
The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will be hearing from experts in housing, telecommunications and federal policy at a roundtable on infrastructure.
Santa Rosa Day School
Schools, hospitals and other facilities in Indian Country need billons of dollars in investments.
The House Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States hosts an oversight hearing titled, “Examining Federal Facilities in Indian Country.”