tag: havasupai

Pinyon Plain Mine Protest
Uranium mining has been a point of contention for Southwest tribal nations for decades.
Havasupai Reservation
The Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs, at the request of the Havasupai Tribe, responded to flooding in the Grand Canyon.
Uranium on Navajo Nation
How are tribes leveraging sovereignty to halt the mining and transport of uranium across their lands?
'Radioactive' Uranium Shipment
Tribal leaders are condemning the primary producer of uranium for transporting hazardous materials through their territories without their consent and without advance notice.
Supai Health Station
Three new and upgraded health facilities recently opened in Arizona to provide Native people with better access to health care, and more are in the works.
Rob Rosette
Tribal leaders and friends are paying tributes to Rob Rosette, a noted Indian law practitioner.