tag: gptlhb

Legislative Hearing on H.R.6489, H.R.8942, H.R.8955 & H.R.8956
The House Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs holds a legislative hearing on July 24, 2024.
“Syphilis is deadly to babies. It’s highly infectious, and it causes very severe outcomes,” said Meghan Curry O’Connell of the Great Plains Tribal Leaders’ Health Board.
Chuck Hoskin Jr.
A top priority throughout my administration has been holding the federal government to its promises to the Cherokee Nation.
Navajo Nation
Native people have eagerly lined up to get their initial COVID-19 vaccine shots. But booster rates appear to be lagging as the pandemic continues.
Donna Gilbert, Julie Mohney and Charmaine White Face
A self-determination dispute at an Indian Health Service facility in South Dakota has come to an end.
When Donna Gilbert asked me to be a part of her lawsuit, I immediately said yes. After having survived three other lawsuits, I should have been leery.
Is this the same-ole same-ole by the federal government that the U. S. Constitution and the law doesn’t matter if it only affects American Indians?
The Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board will be providing services at a temporary location while construction of the $100 million Oyate Health Center is underway.