tag: elizabeth cook-lynn

The Grand Old Party has turned into a modern day death cult.
Abraham Lincoln
My friend was telling me the other day that there is a theory about why, if and when men grow beards.
Native people have been embracing ways of thinking, feeding and housing our own since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The pitiful behavior of our South Dakota representatives (all Republicans) would be a childish joke if it weren’t so pitifully ignorant.
How much longer must we put up with this ridiculous and corrupt man who has in his presidency made fools of the entire Senate, corrupted federal law scholars and committed several federal offenses?
The history of the Northern Plains Indians has always been subsumed by isolationism, rejection and outright racism.
Donald Trump is a dangerous man and history has it made it possible for American Indians to view the prospect of his continued autocratic and corrupt rule a clear signal that changes are overdue.
History has shown that Indians have always resisted their removal and displacement.
Lawlessness on Indian lands, corruption of tribal councils and reclaiming of Indian identity. What’s new about that?
The annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally began in 1938, I’m told, and there have been thousands of stories told about it since.
What we need to remember is this: a great deal rides on how we spend the next several weeks as people who value our American way of life.
Sioux San Hospital
Laws in America are made up of property concerns and have had as their main agenda, the protection of property.
We must take this election seriously.