tag: critfc

American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 3
The House Committee on Appropriations hears from American Indian and Alaska Native witnesses on February 27, 2025.
American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 3
The House Committee on Appropriations hears from American Indian and Alaska Native witnesses on February 27, 2025.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
The Bureau of Indian Affairs is investing nearly $10 million in tribal treaty fishing sites along the Columbia River.
Hanford Reach National Monument
For the first time, the federal government has acknowledged the historic and ongoing devastation caused to tribes by dams in the Pacific Northwest.
House Committee on Appropriations American Indian and Alaska Native Public Witness Hearing Day 2, Afternoon Session
Over two days of hearings, the House Committee on Appropriations heard from dozens of Indian Country leaders who testified about their funding needs.
Puyallup River
Two recent events are major wins for tribes fighting to restore natural salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest.
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Examining the History of Federal Lands and the Development of Tribal Co-Management
The House Committee on Natural Resources holds a hearing titled “Examining the History of Federal Lands and the Development of Tribal Co-Management.”