tag: arkansas

House Committee on Natural Resources
The legislative panel with jurisdiction over Indian issues is meeting for the first time in the 119th Congress.
Jeff Hurd and Manuel Heart
A newcomer is leading the House subcommittee with jurisdiction over Indian issues.
Kristi Noem
Donald Trump’s presidential cabinet is beginning to take shape, with an outgoing state governor who has repeatedly clashed with tribes potentially poised to join the administration.
Cherokee Nation
It is vital for our tribe’s long-term success that we ensure that all Cherokee citizens, no matter where they live, remain connected to our tribe, our government and our culture.
Clifford and Esther Littledave
All families deserve to live in safety and dignity, without fear of losing their homes.
NAFOA: 5 Things You Need to Know this Week
Only one week left until NAFOA turns 40!
Chuck Hoskin Jr.
To grow the economy across the Cherokee Nation Reservation, we must be forward thinking, collaborative and willing to work across borders.
The House Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States has a new chair in Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández (D-New Mexico).