tag: allotment

Oklahoma Land Run
The settler state of Oklahoma arose on the backs of it most vulnerable — the Five Tribes who were forced to move there by the U.S. government.
June 2 marked one century since then-President Calvin Coolidge signed a law granting U.S. citizenship to Native people.
Examining the Opportunities and Challenges of Land Consolidation in Indian Country
The House Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs holds an oversight hearing on January 30, 2024.
Deb Haaland
After 10 years and more than $1.6 billion put in the hands of Indian Country, a successful program that was designed to address a harmful era in federal policy has finally come to a close.
Lakota Nation vs United States
In the U.S. government’s long record of broken treaties, land theft, and genocide, the taking of the Black Hills ranks as one of the most disgraceful examples of imperial aggression.
White Earth Indian Reservation
The White Earth Nation says it is developing an ethics code after hearing a “litany of concerns” about a prominent figure who has benefited from the tribe’s name for more than three decades.
Private and public lands are slowly being returned to the care of Native peoples across the country.
The Trail of Tears, the forced removal of the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma, was one of the most inhumane policies in American history – but it wasn’t an isolated incident.