tag: alberta

Justin Trudeau
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is resigning after nearly 10 years in office. What is his legacy among Indigenous peoples?
Phoenix Indian School
A bill to create a Truth and Healing Commission on Indian boarding schools is moving forward in Congress.
Blackfeet Nation
“It’s people like Lily who are paving the way for a better tomorrow, and as you can see hard work, it does take you a long way,” said Blackfeet Nation council member Pat Armstrong.
Partial Solar Eclipse
Join Native America Calling to shine a light on some of the tribal traditions surrounding the partial solar eclipse.
Dawn Walker
Dawn Walker has been accused of faking her disappearance and that of her child in a case that attracted widespread attention in Canada.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, delivers remarks at Maskwacis Park in Alberta, Canada.
“Those arrests aren’t surprising but it’s very sad when what you’ve been warning about for years actually comes to light,” said Sheila Lamb of the Minnesota Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s Task Force.