Column: 'Redskins' players not exactly keen on name

"I recently asked some of the Redskin players how they felt about the name. 'It's hard for me to understand because our people weren't treated like that,' said Joe Salave'a, whose ethnicity is Samoan. 'But if that's how [American Indians] feel, it's something that needs to be dealt with.'

'I understand the people who may have those complaints,' said Ray Brown, the team's 42-year-old offensive lineman, who is black. 'If I can assist them in any way, I would.'

In an authentic, modest act of sensitivity, Brown tries not to refer to the team name in conversation. 'I don't tell people I play for the Redskins,' he said. 'I just tell them I play for the 'Skins. When I sign autograph items, I do the same thing. I put 'Skins. It's my thing. I'm not saying everyone else should do it, but that's what I do.'"

Get the Story:
Mike Wine: Questionable Naming Rights (The Washington Post 9/17)

William "Lone Star" Dietz Research:
Linda Waggoner: Reclaiming James One Star (Indian Country Today 2004)

Appeals Court Decision:
Pro-Football, Inc. v. Harjo (July 15, 2005)

Lower Court Decision:
Pro-Football, Inc. v. Harjo (September 30, 2003)

Patent and Trademark Office Ruling:
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (1999)

Relevant Links:
Redskins - http://www.redskins.com

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