Churchill's Indian claim, alleged fraud to undergo review

A University of Colorado panel will investigate whether controversial professor Ward Churchill had committed fraud by claiming he is Indian and copying other people's work.

A preliminary review [Report] found that Churchill's essay about the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and other remarks were not grounds for termination. But it said that allegations that Churchill has misrepresented his heritage and allegations of plagiarism "have sufficient merit to warrant referral" to a CU panel.

At various times, Churchill has claimed Creek, Cree, Cherokee, United Keetowah Band and Metis ancestry. He refuses to discuss his background.

Get the Story:
Churchill keeps his job (The Denver Post 3/25)
Critics glad fraud allegations on table (The Denver Post 3/25)
Allegations date to '90s (The Denver Post 3/25)
Faculty inquiry up next (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 3/25)
Churchill's 'Indian' claim to be probed (The Denver Rocky Mountain News 3/25)
Essay is protected (The Boulder Daily Camera 3/25)

Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
"Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance September 2001)

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