"Professor Ward Churchill's disgusting essay about the victims of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, raises a lot of questions ... But he shouldn't be fired. That's a form of censorship. The best way to deal with outrageous statements is to debate them, challenge them and call them what they are. Outrageous. And these certainly are."
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Fred Brown: Tenure and censorship
(The Denver Post 2/6)
"Consider a televised conversation on Sept. 13, 2001, between the Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Rev. Pat Robertson. Like Churchill, they said our country was attacked because it is evil.
So Churchill isn't the only one to see the Sept. 11 attacks as something that an evil America had coming. While there's some dispute about the precise nature of American depravity, they reach the same conclusion, and even agree that greed was a factor. Nor is Churchill the only person to see a connection between Iraq and the attacks by al-Qaeda.
"I think there's overwhelming evidence there was a connection between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi government," Vice President Dick Cheney said last year. That evidence appears to exist only in his imagination, but if Cheney - and Robertson and Falwell and Churchill - want to hold and express bizarre opinions, that's their right."
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Ed Quillen: Those outrageous opinions
(The Denver Post 2/6)
"In his essay, Churchill wrote the WTC workers toiled for "the mighty engine of profit," and he dismissed them as "little Eichmanns," referring to the Nazi official who helped oversee the Holocaust. The rhetoric on both sides of the Churchill issue has been so over the top that university officials felt compelled to apologize to the nation for something they didn't even do.
Only one thing has been abundantly clear for this past week: Ward Churchill seems to bring out the worst in all of us, and himself."
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Editorial: Churchill episode tests CU's values
(The Denver Post 2/6)
"So far, no one has documented that Churchill incited anyone to illegal acts. Conversely, no one questioned that Franklin was a serious scholar whose many peer-reviewed writings buttressed his case. Churchill has been similarly prolific, but the level of his scholarship often approximates that found on bathroom walls. Still, the 30-day probe announced Friday by Chancellor Phil DiStefano doesn't focus on Churchill's sloppy scholarship, instead asking: "Does professor Churchill's conduct, including his speech, provide any grounds for dismissal for cause, as described in the Regents' Laws? And if so, is this conduct or speech protected by the First Amendment against university action?" Free advice, chancellor: Look for overt acts such as inciting to riot - or resign yourself to the fact that academic freedom in America includes the right to hate America."
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Bob Ewegen: How to fire a tenured professor
(The Denver Post 2/5)
"Um, pardon me, Betsy, but we the people of Colorado own the school you are running and you are our employee, as is Churchill. Get it?
If you still feel strongly that treason is cool, why not take it a step further and put your trigger finger where your mouth is by taking up arms against the United States? Churchill claims he has repeatedly engaged in armed struggle over the last 20 years, but he refuses to provide us with details of where he fought against whom and when he did so. Was it against the U.S. somewhere? He likes photos of himself adorned in camouflage while holding AK-47s, but where and when and under what circumstances those shots were taken, he won�t say.
Perhaps all the evidence of him being a freedom fighter in a foreign land is lost in the same file cabinet his evidence of being an Indian is in. "
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Bob Newman: Ward Churchill: Treason In The Teepee
(Mens News Daily 2/6)
"Why would Osama bin Laden kill more than 3,000 Americans? It could simply be that he is an "evildoer" out to make the world a crummy place, or it could be that the United States did something to make him respond violently. Maybe it was when the United States became a strong supporter of Israel. Perhaps it was when the United States bombed sewage and water treatment facilities in Iraq, killing half a million children, as Churchill argues in his essay.
In fact, BBC World News reported that this is what pushed bin Laden to terrorism."
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Ben Bleckley: Chickens, Nazis and U.S. Foreign Policy (The Rocky Mountain Collegian 2/7)
"Now it turns out that the self-professed Native Indian activist (and head of the university's Indian studies program) isn't even an Indian, according to the United Keetowah Band Cherokee tribal clerk.
Churchill has long insisted he is one-sixteenth Cherokee, but Denver's Rocky Mountain News reports that his claim's been in question for years. When one of his students, a Mandan-Hidatsa Indian, wrote a piece raising doubts about his claimed biography, he dropped her grade from an A to a C-minus."
Get the Story:
Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance
September 2001)
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Churchill Controversy: More opinions and views
Monday, February 7, 2005
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