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Opinion: Papers quick to gossip about Churchill

"�Critics are alleging that embattled University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill doesn�t brush his teeth��

�One of Ward Churchill�s colleagues, who didn�t want to provide her name, says she�s observed the fiery CU ethnic studies professor walking a poodle��

�He just flipped man, he started talking Vietnamese, shooting his rifle in the air. He said he was Crazy Horse,� says a vet who did kitchen duty with Churchill in Vietnam in 1967.

�He was just a horrible dancer�, claims Mary Alice Smith, who says she attended the Elmwood Community High School junior prom with CU Professor Churchill in 1964.�

Okay, I made up those quotes. But they�re no more ridiculous than the inane stories published over the last three weeks by The Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News about Ward Churchill."

Get the Story:
Dani Newsum: So how come? (The Denver Post 2/26)

Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
"Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance September 2001)

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