"But the governor and countless others continue to profess their commitment to the First Amendment, while taking the position that the taxpayers should not have to underwrite the salary of someone who says offensive things. Four House Republicans have suggested that if the regents don't fire Churchill, they'll try to strike $100,000 from CU's funding so that taxpayers would no longer be paying Churchill's salary. This line of argument is especially ironic given that the governor and the legislators are subsidized by taxpayers, and they themselves often make highly offensive statements.
Get the Story:
Reggie Rivers: Can't governor be offensive, too? (The Denver Post 2/11) CHURCHILL WORKS FOR NO ONE
"Whom does Ward Churchill work for? Churchill made his position clear in a campus speech to 1,000 mostly adoring students Tuesday night. Speaking with what my friend Ray Schoch of Loveland likes to call a "junior high sneer," Churchill proclaimed to his faithful, "I do not work for the taxpayers of Colorado. I do not work for Bill Owens. I work for you." Later in the evening, when a student asked Churchill if he would abide by results of a student vote on his continued employment, he wouldn't agree. Apparently, he works for CU students only in a metaphorical sense."
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Jim Spencer: Whom does Churchill work for? (The Denver Post 2/11) CHURCHILL LIED, NO INDIANS DIED
"Did the U.S. military ever carry out a genocidal assault on American Indian peoples by means of biological warfare�i.e., distributing infected smallpox blankets? Few historians would dispute that during the Plains Indian wars, selected U.S. military forces did perpetuate massacres that can easily be construed as genocidal in intent. Furthermore, it is well-established that the British general Lord Amherst at least considered distributing smallpox-infected goods to Indians in 1763�with explicitly genocidal intent�and that his plan was carried out independently by his subordinates. But did the U.S. military ever deploy smallpox blankets? Ward Churchill says they did."
Get the Story:
Thomas Brown: The Genocide That Wasn�t (Front Page Magazine 2/11) Churchill's 9/11 Essay:
"Some People Push Back" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens (Pockets of Resistance September 2001) Related Stories:
Colorado governor still wants Churchill fired (2/10)
Churchill speaks to large crowd at CU campus (2/9)
School calls off Churchill's on-campus speech (2/8)
Column: Churchill guilty of academic fraud (2/8)
Jodi Rave: Real problem with Churchill is identity (2/7)
Yellow Bird: Churchills make lost Indians look bad (2/7)
Churchill Controversy: More opinions and views (2/7)
Marty Two Bulls Cartoon: Ward Churchill's Indian Kit (2/7)
UKB: Professor never proved Cherokee heritage (2/4)
Column: Churchill asked why we were attacked (2/4)
Professor angry at Jodi Rave for questioning heritage (2/3)
Speech featuring controversial professor canceled (2/2)
College professor quits post over 9/11-Nazi essay (2/1)
College professor faces action for 9/11-Nazi essay (1/31)
Professor sparks controversy with 9/11-Nazi link (1/28)